Two new modular nuclear reactors, dubbed SMR-300s, are planned for co-location with the restarting Palisades Plant by 2030.
U.S. Energy Secretary Chris Wright says it's critical that the nation be out in front when it comes to artificial ...
High electricity costs won’t be reduced by authorizing more nuclear plants in Maryland, at least not in the short-term.
In a market already jittery about tech spending, nuclear energy stocks took a significant hit on Monday, Feb. 24 as reports ...
One of the services that the Sellafield multi-function nuclear site offers is the processing of spent nuclear fuel on behalf ...
We made oil and gas great again through the shale revolution. We can make nuclear energy great again through nuclear ...
Traveling Wave Reactors (TWRs) offer a promising approach to improving sustainability and safety in nuclear energy, though it ...
Wave energy, inspired by the human heart’s rhythm, offers vast clean energy potential. With ongoing investment, it could ...
这次合作符合NANO Nuclear提供下一代能源解决方案的使命,以及其与军方关键利益相关者接触的努力。公司的子公司,包括Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc.和HALEU Energy Fuel Inc.,是其在北美成为垂直整合核燃料企业战略的重要组成部分。
NUKZ ETF surged 80% fueled by nuclear energy growth, regulatory shifts & political backing. Click here to find out why NUKZ ...
纽约 - 目前市值12亿美元的先进核能技术公司NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE )向美国专利商标局 (USPTO)提交了四项与环形线性感应泵 (ALIP)技术相关的实用专利申请。根据 InvestingPro 分析,NNE保持着现金多于债务的强健资产负债表,尽管股价显示出高波动性。