A greener solution to creating waste-free packaging. #6 This "Ocean Cleanup" machine has a giant floating pipe to capture plastic. The pipe moves with the waves and has floating anchors.
System 001, launched in from San Francisco September by nonprofit The Ocean Cleanup, is meant to clear ... has to be brought back for repairs. The machine is a series of floating beams, shaped ...
The Ocean Cleanup started removing plastic from the ... Experts worry the ocean-cleaning machines could harm sea life, but most say cleaning rivers is a smarter approach. More from World Wide ...
The Ocean Cleanup device has been redesigned—and is almost ready to try again After its first voyage resulted in disappointment, Boyan Slat's team has made some major fixes. Now they're ready to ...
Discover the advanced technologies and groundbreaking strategies aiming to clean ocean garbage and eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Among many efforts, The Ocean Cleanup stands out as a ...