在养猪业的世界里,有一种病毒如同隐藏在黑暗中的 “杀手”,时刻威胁着猪猪们的健康,它就是猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)。PRRSV 引发的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS),堪称养猪产业的 “经济噩梦”。感染了 PRRSV 的猪猪们,不仅繁殖能力大打折扣,呼吸道也会出现各种问题,这使得猪场的生产效率直线下降,经济损失惨重。更糟糕的是,PRRSV ...
综合研究结果和讨论部分来看,这次研究意义重大。研究证明了这种商业 MLV 疫苗对西班牙出现的高致病性 PRRSV - 1 毒株有一定的保护作用,能改善仔猪的临床症状,让仔猪体重增长更好,还能降低病毒血症的持续时间和肺部病变的严重程度。虽然疫苗的保护不是 100%,但在目前没有更好办法的情况下,给仔猪接种疫苗仍然是对抗这个 “大反派” ...
She said a weekslong dispute with Parking Revenue Recovery Services (PRRS) over a ticket she received while working the election has been anything but fair. On Oct. 17, Zucker said she was running ...
Google ratings are a popular way to vet new restaurants, but Denver residents are using the review platform to warn others ...
One of the leading figures involved in developing potentially game-changing new gene editing technology in the pig sector has called for the UK government to put a clear timeframe on legalising the ...