Current local time in Pacific Daylight Time (Pacific Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Pacific Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
President Trump has said Daylight Savings time is "costly." If Trump ends Daylight Savings, statewide bills would no longer ...
Daylight Saving Time is less than two weeks away, and the time to spring forward is getting closer for California and most of ...
Current local time in Pacific Daylight Time (Pacific Daylight Time time zone). Get information about the Pacific Daylight Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
As the time to “spring forward” approaches, Nevada lawmakers are once again considering whether to do away with the practice ...
Federal law permits states to opt out of daylight saving but does not allow them to observe it year-round. In 2011, a bill ...
As the sun continues to shine just a bit longer each day, Oregonians may be wondering when it is time to spring forward. Here ...
Democratic Assemblywoman Selena La Rue Hatch and Republican Senator Robin Titus have introduced bills to shift Nevada to ...
Lawmakers in Nevada are considering a measure to end Daylight Saving Time in the state. Under Assembly Bill 81, Nevada would ...
The state of Hawaii and most of Arizona do not have daylight saving time, so you should never set your clocks forward or back when you are there. Other US territories in the Pacific and Caribbean Sea, ...