作为2025年开年全球酒类行业的首个重量级盛会,参与本届展会的专业观众及买家人数创纪录地达到了52622名,其中更有45%是来自154个国家及地区的国际访客,再一次彰显了Wine Paris在全球酒类行业及国际酒展中的重要地位。
The election of far-right MPs in traditional winegrowing regions has prompted the party to start championing the wine sector ...
2025年2月10日-12日,为期三天的巴黎国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会(Wine Paris)成功举办。在全球经济下行背景下,展会盛况出乎多数人的预料。根据最后的统计数据,本届展会 汇集了全球5,300家展商,累计54个参展国共116 ...
Eight wines tasted at Wine Paris 2025 from Burgundy, Rhone Valley and Savoie. White grapes include Jacquère and Altesse; red ...
Sir Ridley Scott talks about his winery in Provence; dinner at the Senate within the Palais du Luxembourg; 12 wines from stellar producers and Otto and Planeta in Sicily ...
Wine Paris has confirmed what the busy aisles suggested, namely that this year’s event (10-12 February) had record-breaking attendance of global drinks trade, propelling it to current pole position in ...
Burglars with a nose for fine wine have stolen €60,000 (£50,000) in bottles from the cellar of a Paris restaurant in the ...
例如近期全球热映的动画电影《哪吒2之魔童降世》,通过重构神话内核注入现代价值观,以精良制作打破文化壁垒,在北美、东南亚等市场获得票房口碑双丰收。 这为中国白酒出海提供了重要启示——传统符号需要经历创造性转化,在保持核心特色的同时建立普世共鸣 。
Isabella is the ambitious new owner of her family's Oregon winery whose dream of becoming world-renowned takes a big step forward when she enters a prestigious wine competition in Paris.
Wine Paris has announced a series of events as part of its headline programme, The Academy, which will span 130 events involving 250 industry experts. The events will take place throughout the event’s ...