证券之星消息,联芸科技(688449)再度引起业内关注,近期新注册了软件著作权《联芸适用于PCIe固态硬盘存储器Flash Controller PHY调试工具V1.0》。这一新创新工具的诞生不仅为PCIe固态硬盘的技术发展添砖加瓦,也是该公司在存储器市场深化布局的重要一步。
Brite Semiconductor's 16Gbps PCIe PHY and controller solution provide high efficient interconnection that is optimized for PPA performance. The System can support short-reach or long-reach channels ...
Cadence致力于引领行业采用最新的PCIe 6.0标准,用PCIe 6.0 IP解决方案应对前沿领域快速变革的技术需求。过去20年,Cadence一直是PCIe PHY和控制器的领先供应商。采用Cadence领先的PAM4技术以及经过验证的112G/56G PAM4以太网PHY IP,结合在PCIe领域深厚的经验,Cadence致力于为 ...
其物理接口通过 PIPE 接口与 AMD PCIe PHY 连接,AMD PCIe PHY 包括收发器和均衡器逻辑,用于实现高速数据传输。 NVMe SPCIe IP 由 NVMe IP 和 PCIe 软核 IP 组成,因此 NVMe SPCIe IP 在功能上与 NVMe AXI IP 相似性。 下表显示了 NVMe SPCIe IP 和 NVMe AXI IP 的比较信息。 如图所示 ...
证券之星消息,近日联芸科技(688449)新注册了《联芸适用于PCIe固态硬盘存储器Flash Controller ...
证券之星消息,近日联芸科技(688449)新注册了《联芸适用于PCIe固态硬盘存储器Flash Controller PHY调试工具V1.0》项目的软件著作权。今年以来联芸科技 ...
Broadcom announces early access to its PCIe Gen 6 Interop Development Platform and compliance testing of its PEX switch and ...
With the rapid adoption of PCIe 5.0 technology, SoC designers should understand and consider some of the key design challenges they will face, such as increased channel loss, complex controller ...
Microchip广泛的PCIe交换机产品组合为数据中心 ... 该产品组合还包括Flashtec® NVMe®控制器和NVRAM驱动器、以太网PHY和交换机、定时解决方案以及基于 ...
Even if one buys the physical hardware (e.g. FPGA), use of the SerDes hardware blocks with PCIe functionality may still require a purchase or continuous license (e.g. for the toolchain ...