The disciplines of the Department of Philosophy, History, and Art are aesthetics, com­par­at­ive lit­er­at­ure, film and television studies, history, musicology, philosophy and theatre research.
THIS book is the successor of ˜ Prof. Wolf's history of science, technology and philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries published in 1935, and is planned to form part of a complete ...
This course is intended to introduce the beginning student to the major theories and perpetual questions within Western philosophy. Such questions include but are not limited to: What is real? What ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
To confront the questions and challenges in life that have no easy answers requires, in Kant’s words, the courage to use one’s own understanding. Our mission in the Philosophy Department at Miami ...
Area(s) of Expertise: Digital History, Long 20th Century United States History, History of Crime and Punishment, Sensational Trials, Social/Legal History, Gender Studies ...
history of science, philosophy, cultural studies and comparative literature. Students are encouraged to investigate in a scientific manner the normative, symbolic, social, institutional, political and ...
Don't forget to upload your CV and sign up for job alerts to hear about the latest University History, Philosophy & Theology jobs. The Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University seeks to ...