It is essentially an introduction to the author's “Principles of General Physiology,” and reference is constantly made to this larger book. The student would often welcome, at these places ...
and environmental exercise physiology. The importance of translational research will be highlighted. A comprehensive systemic study of the physiological functions of the adult human, including an ...
Published by Oxford University Press, 2004, softcover, £35.00 (paperback) £69.95 (hardback), pp 714. ISBN 0198585276 For a simply written introduction to physiology, this addition to the Oxford core ...
With aging there are changes in the cardiovascular system, which result in alterations in cardiovascular physiology. The changes in cardiovascular physiology must be differentiated from the ...
Comparative Environmental Physiology, Introduction to Neuroscience, Cell Physiology, and Pathophysiology. At the end of this program students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles ...