Antennas receive and transmit electromagnetic waves, delivering information to our radios, televisions, cellphones and more.
The study, led by the University of Liverpool, analyzed a fossilized hip bone from a Edmontosaurus using “advanced mass ...
圆偏振光(Circularly Polarized Light)凭借丰富的光学信息和角度独立性,在 3D 显示、信息加密、量子计算等多个前沿领域展现出巨大的应用潜力,这使得圆偏振有机发光二极管成为研究热点。目前,获取圆偏振电致发光(CP-EL,Circularly Polarized ...
Left and right circularly polarized light, where the electromagnetic waves spiral in a clockwise and counterclockwise manner as they travel, plays a crucial role in a wide range of applications ...
A hybrid microscope allows scientists to simultaneously image the full 3D orientation and position of an ensemble of molecules, such as labeled proteins inside cells. The microscope combines polarized ...
Linear polarizing film is a fascinating material that plays an important role in optics, photography, and display technology. This specialized film filters light waves to reduce glare, enhance visual ...
Biomedical imaging with light-scattering spectroscopy (LSS ... We have developed a new biomedical imaging modality based on polarized LSS, which is capable of providing morphological information ...