The writing — and the remarkable images — behind vivid poster art is on the wall at Sager Reeves Gallery in Columbia.
Todd Alcott is a screenwriter, essayist, and graphic designer who creates retro-looking prints and postcards that I just love ...
The Russian propaganda prints came from a studio that generated hundreds of thousands of them, and three copies will be part ...
Another purpose of propaganda posters in WWI was to raise morale at home, regardless of the realities at the front. Here Wilhelm and Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria, are sent scurrying for ...
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different images (a majority from the WWI era) addressing a variety of American war aims. The ...
Propaganda art can be jarring and crude or beautiful and persuasive. It is a visual tool used by both repressive and democratic nations to convey a message or hammer home a point. A new book offers a ...
White supremacist propaganda posters and stickers have been appearing in Jacksonville and other places in the county, according to Wesley Bishop, assistant professor of Public and American History ...
What Are All Workbenches Locations in Sniper Elite Resistance? There are 7 Propaganda Posters in the game, with one found in each mission. Finding a Propaganda Poster unlocks a new Propaganda ...
After students have viewed the History Detectives episode World War II Leaflets, tell them that they will analyze propaganda posters and leaflets. They can use the Propaganda Analysis Guide to do ...
“The recent appearance of black propaganda posters accusing Bayan Muna of being a communist front is a blatant attempt by ...