Researchers currently treat single-cell sequencing as biochemically anonymous and share datasets publicly. The technique ...
Many are bizarre and live in salt lakes, hydrothermal vents and other extreme environments.
【导读】灵长类动物小脑的分子和细胞组织,仍然难以表征。团队获得了猕猴、狨猴和小鼠小脑的单细胞空间转录组图谱,并鉴定了灵长类动物特异性细胞亚型,包括浦肯野细胞和分子层中间神经元,它们显示谷氨酸离子型受体Delta型亚基2(GRID2)基因的不同表达。2 ...
【导读】γ-δ T细胞在肿瘤内的先天免疫和适应性免疫中起着至关重要的作用,但它们在癌症中的存在和预后价值,仍未得到充分探索。这项研究利用TRUST4算法,对来自33种癌症类型的11,000个肿瘤样本的γδ T细胞受体(γδ ...
RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is a highly effective method for studying the transcriptome qualitatively and quantitatively. It can identify the full catalog of transcripts, precisely define gene structures ...
In this article, we summarise the key points you should consider when deciding which sequencing method is best for your ...
Cytosurge AG, a leader in single-cell manipulation, and Lexogen, a pioneer in RNA sequencing solutions, have announced their ...
By Dr. Sushama R. Chaphalkar, PhD. A new deep learning model, LucaProt, has detected over 251,000 new RNA virus species from ...
Live Science spoke with Nobel laureate Dr. Drew Weissman and engineer Daeyeon Lee about a new RNA research center they're ...