The Pi Zero W adds the wireless functionality from the Raspberry Pi 3B. That’s 802.11n and Bluetooth 4.0. The Pi Zero’s claim to fame was, of course, the price. The original Pi Zero was at ...
树莓派官方近日宣布了两项新产品发布,分别是第二代键盘PC——Raspberry Pi 500,以及首款便携显示器——Raspberry Pi Monitor。这一消息引起了科技爱好者和教育工作者的广泛关注。 自树莓派以开发板形式面世以来,其灵活性和可扩展性一直备受赞誉。然而,随着市场需求的不断变化,树莓派也开始探索开箱即用系统的可能性。初代键盘PC ...
Just in time for the holiday season, Raspberry Pi have launched two new bits of hardware for you to tinker with the Raspberry ...