Rollerdrome, in particular ... You can also follow us on Google News for daily PC games news, reviews, and guides, or join our community Discord to stay in the know.
For now, however, the fact that both OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome are listed under the 2K name (while the likes of Kerbal Space Program and upcoming PC game Tales of the Shire retain the Private ...
2K Games responded to OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome removed from Steam, saying they will return eventually. The removal may be due to publishing changes related to Roll7's closure and new ownership.
Presumably as a consequence of that, two games Roll7 made under Private Division, OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome, have both been delisted on Steam. Roll7's games tended to be well-liked in these ...
UPDATE 3/2/25: Following the surprise removal of OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome from Steam, 2K has confirmed both acclaimed titles "will be added back". While the publisher didn't elaborate on the ...
Oli Welsh is senior editor, U.K., providing news, analysis, and criticism of film, TV, and games. He has been covering the business & culture of video games for two decades. Two acclaimed skating ...