(八打灵再也14日讯)大马厂商联合会(FMM)呼吁政府重新审查太阳能自用发电(SelCo)计划增设的待机费和需安装电池储能系统(BESS)的条件。大马厂商联合会总会长丹斯里苏添来发文告表示,能源委员会在1月1日发布的新SelCo指南中增设了不利条款,即要求72千瓦峰值(kWp)以上的非家庭用户每月支付每1千瓦峰值14令吉的待机费,以及需要安装电池储能系统。装太阳能系统成本增他说,SelCo太阳能系 ...
ONE of the more popular programmes for the installation of solar power panels is through an initiative called Self-Consumption (SelCo), introduced in 2017. Under this programme, a factory owner ...
The merchant is supporting the Builders Merchants Federation’s challenge for the industry as a whole to deliver 15,000 ...
SELCO membership is open to anyone who lives or works in one of the 27 Oregon counties SELCO serves. Have earned a GED or a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher from a four-year accredited high school.
On renewable energy initiatives, in particular rooftop solar, Soh said they welcomed the government’s move to relax the conditions for Net Energy Metering (NEM) and SelCo programmes. He welcomed ...
BEND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation and SELCO Community Credit Union have kicked the 47th running of the SELCO Pole Pedal Paddle into high gear with the announcement ...
The Stirchley branch of Selco Builders Warehouse, based on Charlotte Road, has donated bricks, cement and other materials which will be used to help provide additional ramps, banks and obstacles ...
In a move towards sustainable development, as many as 25 government schools in Udupi district will be powered by solar energy. This initiative promulgated by Selco India (a social energy ...