And He spoke also this parable unto certain men who trust in themselves that they are righteous, and despise others. "Two men went up unto the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee, and the other a ...
Prayer by St. Cyril of Alexandria Hail, Mother and virgin, eternal temple of the Godhead, venerable treasure of creation, crown of virginity, support of the true faith, on which the Church is ...
That problem aside, John McGuckin’s Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological ... but so far this book on St. Cyril is refreshingly detailed and insightful, and full of Fr.
John McGuckin’s study, Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological ... second half of the volume being the translated texts of St. Cyril), I can elaborate on my earlier impressions and ...
Cyril himself gives us the date of his "Catechesis" as fully seventy years after the Emperor Probus, that is about 347, if he is exact. Constans (d. 350) was then still alive. St. Jerome relates ...
Cyril Lucaris (1572-1638) was the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Alexandria (from 1601-1620) and then ...