Discover three simple yet effective exercises that reveal and strengthen overlooked muscle weaknesses. Learn how to improve ...
This will help strengthen your neck and shoulders to prevent a future injury. The levator scapula muscle is located at the side and back of your neck, on each side. It lifts up the scapula bone ...
Background: It is important to deal with the scapula when developing rehabilitation strategies for the shoulder complex. This requires clinical measurement tools that are readily available and easy to ...
Optimal shoulder function requires good kinetic chain function, optimal stability, and coordination of the scapula in the overhead action. A well balanced action of the rotator cuff muscles and ...
Equally, for bar-based pulling work like pull-ups or muscle-ups, scapula pull-ups are a similar exercise performed hanging from a pull-up bar and involve lifting and lowering the shoulders and ...
The scapulae attach to the top of the arm at the shoulder joint and the clavicle, at the acromioclavicular joint. A complex series of muscles, tendons, and ligaments surround the scapulae and ...