雅苒清洁氨与日本邮船自2021年起便在共同研究氨燃料运输船的应用,并已就此类船舶签订了期租合同。此次租船协议不仅是全球首次为以氨为燃料的中型气体运输船签订定期租赁合同,也为氨在国际海上运输领域的应用开辟了新天地。该船的交付将进一步促进氨作为清洁燃料在 ...
Along the 3,700-km Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway marine transportation route known as Highway H2O (HWY H2O), a growing ...
2月9日,在青岛海事部门护航下,“HEA AL MUZN”和“HEA AL SARAB”两平台顺利从青岛海西重机码头湿拖出港到胶州湾内锚地进行半潜船“猎鹰(SEAWAY HAWK)”浮装作业。(见图)此次半潜浮装作业是春节后青岛市首次海工平台装船作业。
Although closed to marine traffic during the winter, the St. Lawrence Seaway remains a hub of activity as extensive Winter Works infrastructure upgrades take place to enhance safety, reliability, and ...
Patio doors have been pretty popular since the 1970s, but nowadays one of the biggest sellers are double-hinged windows, and ...
Increased tolls are coming to the Seaway International Bridge, much to the discontent of those living near Cornwall, Ont., and in the border-spanning Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne. The crossing is an ...
But a big idea and swift, strategic action might. What if we built a North American Arctic Seaway? Assuming responsibilities over our sovereign territorial claims – extending eastward from the ...