ISM001-055 was shown to have attenuated cellular senescence through the suppression of various aging processes, thus showing potential as a senomorphic drug.
例如欧莱雅的第三代黑精华,正是采用“防微杜渐”的思路,通过二裂酵母发酵产物溶胞物配合S.F.E发酵精粹(鞘氨醇单胞菌提取物),控制“p16”和“p21”的表达, 稳定住大部分的皮肤细胞,避免它们“堕落”和“僵滞” ...
A groundbreaking study led by researchers at Insilico Medicine has revealed the potential of TNIK inhibition as an innovative ...
AP2A1 could serve as a biomarker for aging and a target for therapies aimed at slowing down or even reversing the aging ...
The Senescence Accelerated Mouse-Prone 8 (SAMP8) is a naturally occuring mouse line that displays a phenotype of accelerated aging. While maintaining an inbred AKR/J line in the early 1970's, ...
The key to reversing cellular aging may lie in a protein responsible for toggling cells between a "young" and an "old" state.
Our recent work indicates that cellular senescence is a major factor driving expression of IL-1α in vitro and in vivo . A similar relationship holds for epithelial derived IL-8 and stromal FGF2. Thus ...
A groundbreaking study led by researchers at Insilico Medicine has revealed the potential of TNIK inhibition as an innovative anti-aging strategy ...
In summary, enalapril significantly mitigated multiple pathological markers associated with aging, including lipid droplets, amyloid, glycogen deposition, and fibrosis, in the brain, kidneys, liver, ...
Topical ABT-263 effectively reduced several senescence markers in aged skin, preparing it for improved wound healing.