Ear congestion can be relieved in a few different ways, including by flushing out your sinuses, taking allergy medication, or applying a warm cloth. Treatment generally depends on what is causing ...
Do you blow your nose so hard that your head starts reeling Doing that will simply exacerbate your symptoms Read on to know the right way and alternatives you can follow ...
Sometimes, the sinuses fail to function correctly, leading to sinus pain caused by an infection or nasal congestion.” Takashima said a physician’s first step when seeing a patient complaining of ...
Drinking lots of water also helps, experts say. If you’re already experiencing sinus congestion, you might have trouble clearing your ears during the flight. If you can’t postpone your trip ...
With allergies, it’s much more common to have nasal congestion symptoms ... Iliades is board-certified in Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery. He practiced clinical medicine for ...
The pressure and my sinuses became greater," the 73-year-old said. He suffered with acute face pain and congestion for weeks, until ear nose and throat specialist, Dr. Philip Amoils scanned his ...