people often viewed snakes and reptiles as not being very complex and not being able to make decisions or have feelings,” said Chelsea Martin, a Loma Linda University PhD student in biology.
A team of paleontologists discovered the well-preserved fossil of an ancient snake skull from La Buitrera Paleontological Area in Argentina’s Río Negro province. The remains were around 95 ...
In this excellent study, science journalist Hall (Wisdom) surveys the distinctive biology and behavior of snakes. He ...
It provides genetic and culture evidence that bacteria not only live in the venoms of several species of spiders and snakes, but are actively adapting to ... Christie is a seasoned science journalist ...
Understanding the evolution of vision in snakes, such as this pipe snake (Anilius scytale), could improve our knowledge of snake origins and the evolution of the ...
“A couple of million people are envenomed by snakes every year. 140,000 people die every year as a result of a snake bite, ...
He currently holds a position at the National Institute for Basic Biology. The team placed a Japanese striped snake and a black-spotted pond frog together to study how the snake assaults its prey ...