The aesthetics of Infinity Nikki - the open-world dress-up game featuring pink-haired protagonists in a variety of elegant ...
FromSoftware is the champion of asset reuse, and one modder believes its reign started a long time ago - since the entirety ...
Bleach: Brave Souls has released a new campaign with smartphone wallpapers and print sets of new characters up for grabs ...
Dark Souls 2 had a challenging development phase, which also resulted in many characters getting scrapped and salvaged midway ...
A PS Store page for a Dark Souls parody game has gone live, the description for which has been branded 'racist' by some ...
Dark Souls 2's developmental timeline was so disasterous that even one of the directors admitted to the process being arduous ...
If comically oversized weapons are your thing in Dark Souls 3, these are the ideal way to smash through enemies—just keep an ...
That meant the developer looked elsewhere for a publisher with Dark Souls, according to former PlayStation boss Shuhei ...
After releasing their sophomore album last October, the soulful Southern California trio will bring that music to Milwaukee ...