1568. St. Teresa has left a classical dscription of the sort of life led by these first Discalced Carmelites, in chaps.xiii and xiv of her "Book of Foundations". John of the Cross, as he now ...
In a statement shared by New Ways Ministry, a Catholic outreach and advocacy organization, Miguel Díaz describes his new book as follows: “Queer God de Amor offers, as I see it, a contribution to ...
This Via Crucis was celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday in 1991 ... So they took Jesus, and carrying the cross himself he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew ...
This was the first object to be transmitted as an image in early television experiments by John Logie Baird.This St John Ambulance Maltese Cross belonged to John Logie Baird's doctor, Dr George ...