The following is a news release and photo from Idaho Fish and Game. Idaho Fish and Game’s new electronic salmon and steelhead ...
Look for all of the Lake Erie tributaries to open up in the coming days and offer good trout fishing fairly soon.
Anglers looking to get an early start on their fishing season and catch one of Idaho's most prized fish should take advantage ...
MISSOULA, Mont. — Idaho Fish and Game reports steelhead broodstock collection on the South Fork of the Clearwater River is ...
Luke Hein has had good success surf casting for small brown trout and steelhead on Chicago's South Side this winter. It's an ...
My 40 years of experience on the tributaries has me convinced that the spring of 2025 could see one of the best steelhead ...
The court and the county must strike a balance between protecting steelhead trout and the drinking water supply.
It feels good,” says Hamilton, who has been rescuing steelhead in the Carmel River for 22 years, “to help save something.” ...
Up to their ankles in water, they scan the surface for steelhead trout. This Bay Area city was once the egg capital of the world. Now it struggles to keep the legacy alive. Some of those fish are ...
Lake sturgeon are a protected fish species in the Great Lakes and the focus of annual stocking efforts to help increase their ...