They suggested that TEPCO keep fish at the plant to show that the processed water will pose no health risk. The water treatment process removes most radioactive substances, but not tritium.
Fishermen also are up in arms, fearing the move would only fuel further negative publicity over their fish hauls. Uchibori and the mayors met Aug. 2 with Tomoaki Kobayakawa, the TEPCO president ...
Tokyo Electric Power Co found record high levels of radioactive cesium in fish it caught for tests within 20 kilometers of the coast from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant. The utility ...
It looks like an aquarium, and in some ways it is. This is where TEPCO is farming fish: 400 flounder to be precise. The facility aims to demonstrate the safety of the diluted water it plans to ...
Since the start of the release, TEPCO, as well as central and local government officials, have been testing seawater and fish from multiple points offshore from the plant. As for the seawater ...