A creative documentary focused on the work and musical career of the artist Carles Cases, an atypical and talented Catalan composer with a long career behind him and who has dedicated his entire ...
Quentin Tarantino once said three comedy movies should be considered "untouchable". They star the likes of Audrey Hepburn, ...
Starring Kevin Costner, Sean Connery and Robert DeNiro. Unfortunately The Untouchables isn't available to watch right now. Add it to your list and we'll let you know when it becomes available.
'Leto may be the most extravagant example of method acting braggadocio, but this is hardly the first time we’ve heard of an actor going to extremes to do his job' This advertisement has not ...
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1944, during World War II. Andries Riphagen, a powerful underworld boss, has made his fortune by putting his many criminal talents at the service of the Nazi occupiers.
Jul. 7—KINGSTON, N.Y. — The French dramedy "The Intouchables" is the next screening in the Movies with Spirit series on Saturday, July 13, at 7 p.m. at the Kingston Library at 61 Crown St.
A Prohibition crime thriller about the battle between gangster Al Capone and federal agent Eliot Ness. Ness and his team of do-gooders set out on a mission to put crime lord Capone out of business.
Pilot for the 1959-63 series, with Robert Stack as FBI agent Eliot Ness cracking down on Prohibition gangster Al Capone's source of revenue. Fuselli: Keenan Wynn. Brandy: Barbara Nichols.
Imagine stepping back into the 1930s, when cars weren’t just a means of transportation but a symbol of style, power, and ...