At least, he thought he was a visitor. But in fact he was speaking to Akili Tommasino, curator for the Met's Department of Modern of Contemporary Art. Khalil happened to mention to Tommasino that ...
Aperta un’altra struttura della Fondazione Tommasino Bacciotti. Con ’Maria Adelaide’ sono 28. Nel 2024 accolte 750 persone.
It would be in that same gallery more than two decades later when he would encounter Met curator Akili Tommasino wandering through the artwork looking for the Flight Into Egypt oil painting by ...
It turns out the visitor was museum curator Akili Tommasino, who was doing research on an upcoming show. "In just 15 seconds I told him, 'By the way, I am Egyptian and an artist,'" Khalil told PIX11.
La Fondazione Bacciotti ha inaugurato oggi “Casa Maria Adelaide”, la 28esima casa Accoglienza Tommasino , in via Ragazzi del ...
Inaugurata la ventottesima struttura di accoglienza: appartamenti indipendenti offerti in maniera gratuita. In totale, gli alloggi posson ospitare fino a 131 persone al giorno ...