Released in 1986, Transformers: The Movie takes place years after the events of the O.G. animated series of the same name, and follows the next stage in the seemingly never-ending battle between ...
Wyatt The Optimus Prime variant from the Transformers: Animated series is definitely a product of the show’s art style from Derrick J. Wyatt. Optimus this time around is far more sleek than his ...
In 2024, Transformers One arrived with the IP’s first animated theatrical feature in ... showing there’s some energon left in the series. More recently, Hasbro hoped to enlist younger fans ...
You know, if they make one more of these, I'd want to be in it.” Transformers One will eventually be streaming on Paramount+. The film is expected to land on the streaming platform around two to ...
The latest film in the “Transformers” franchise – “Transformers One” – is finally in theaters, and this time it’s animated. The new film from director Josh Cooley serves as a prequel ...
While logged onto Paramount+, Transformers fans can also access all seven live-action films in the franchise, along with Paramount+ original animated series Transformers: Earthspark, which has ...
The film is the first fully CG-animated Transformers movie in the franchise’s history. ForbesDoes ‘Transformers One’ Have A Post-Credits Scene? Why You Should Stay In Your SeatsBy The star ...