The US Department of Defense has confirmed it is looking into the case of a whistleblower who claimed he was part of a team ...
For those who missed the memo, UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are now called UAPs (unidentified aerospace-undersea ...
"Congress has redefined what were formerly called 'unidentified flying objects' [UFOs] to first 'unidentified aerial ...
Moiz Ali 2/22/25 Billionaire Confesses To Meeting With UFO Whistleblower Who Wanted 1.5 Million Dollars ...
A U.S. military pilot reportedly had a close encounter with an unidentified flying object. Ben Hansen, host of the Discovery+ ...
The Pentagon has officially launched an investigation into claims made by United States government contractor Jake Barber, who alleges he was involved in secret missions to recover ...
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and some of President Trump’s most vocal supporters in the House do not agree ...
A little over four weeks ago, former U.S. Air Force pilot Jacob Barber stated that he believes he recovered alien technology ...