Dr Hugh Ross believes there are several clues that can point to there being life after death - although his claims are ...
A humble acknowledgement of mystery can pave the way for generous dialogue between competing perspectives on faith and science. Near the end of his book, Keathley models this gracious spirit in ...
Since last week’s newsletter offered a favorite argument for the existence of God, it’s only fair to balance the scales by ...
We are the universe coming to know itself. We are the eyes of God peering out into endless darkness, lighting fires of imagination and ingenuity that allow us to reach into our bodies to make them ...
They were not necessarily intended to be taken as literal scientific truth, but are indicators of the complexity and infinite nature of the universe. Brahma is the creator god who works with Lord ...
Demi-Leigh Tebow had an identity crisis when her year of being Miss Universe was up, but God used that time to help her find ...