Surgical treatment of mild hallux valgus deformity: the state of practice among academic foot and ankle surgeons. Ankle ligament tensile forces at the end points of passive circumferential ...
Background. A 61-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus presented to a diabetic foot clinic 1 year after he injured his left foot in a slip injury. Examination showed collapse of the ...
These foot- and ankle-related disorders can ... Hallux Valgus Hallux valgus, commonly called a bunion, is a big toe deformity bending towards the other toes, causing a bony bump on the medial ...
Hallux valgus; An observational study on patient characteristics, surgical treatment and pre-operative HRQoL from the Swedish foot and ankle register (Swefoot). The immediate effect of synergistic ...
Bunions are often painful and can limit toe movement. Bunions form gradually, but a flare of bunion pain may occur ...
Recipient of the 2018 Best Podium Presentation Award: Sorin Siegler, Maui Jepsen, Francois Lintz, “Surface-to-surface interaction at the joints of the ankle complex and foot in varus and valgus ...