在每一期《环球科学》中,我们都有一个名为“经典回眸”的栏目,以期回到50年、100年和150年前,回顾当时科学与社会的样貌,见证世界科学的每一次进步。下面的内容节选自《环球科学》“经典回眸”,希望能带你回到1975年、1925年以及1875年,回看那 ...
在20世纪的地球科学领域,一场震撼学界的革命悄然兴起,而阿尔弗雷德·魏格纳(Alfred Wegener),无疑是这场伟大变革的英勇先驱。 他提出的大陆 ...
Alfred Wegener was one of those people. Though trained as an astronomer, he was a specialist on Greenland. He noticed that, based on nineteenth-century longitude determinations, it appeared that ...
Alfred Wegener was born in Berlin in 1880, where his father was a minister who ran an orphanage. From an early age he took an interest in Greenland, and always walked, skated, and hiked as though ...