It's been nearly 15 years since Groupon burst on the scene as a way to score deep discounts on everything from fine dining to car detailing. It quickly developed a legion of devoted followers ...
We met recently with someone active in the daily deals space in Europe and we learned some interesting things about Groupon's international operations. While this information tracks with what we ...
Groupon Inc. (GRPN)股价已跌至52周低点,触及8.7美元,公司正在努力应对不断变化的电子商务格局和竞争压力。尽管面临导致股价触及低点的严峻市场条件,但该股票在过去一年中上涨了17.79%,显示出这家在线交易平台经历了一段波动期。投资者正密切关注Groupon的战略举措,因为它正试图在当前的经济逆风中前进,并重新构思其在拥挤的数字市场中吸引消费者兴趣的方法。 在其他近期新闻中,Gr ...