Labord's chameleons are only found in Western Madagascar and have developed a live fast die young life cycle to cope with the ...
AI生成内容已深度渗透至生活的方方面面,从艺术创作到设计领域,再到信息传播与版权保护,其影响力无处不在。 来自小红书生态算法团队、中科大、上海交通大学联合提出行业稀缺的全人工标注Chameleon基准和行业领先的AIDE检测方法。
Labord's chameleon, found in western Madagascar, holds the shortest lifespan record for tetrapods, living just four to five months. They reach sexual ...
The chameleon, a lizard known for its color-changing skin, is the inspiration behind a new electromagnetic material that could someday make vehicles and aircraft "invisible" to radar. As reported ...