Forget the heat mats and grow lights. The only materials and equipment you’ll need for winter sowing are suitable containers, potting mix and seeds. Any food-safe container with a lid that can hold ...
When Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Jennifer Barron was ready to begin winter sowing, she chose to put her green thumb to ...
Winter sowing is a delightful and efficient way to jump-start your garden, even when snow blankets the ground. In a recent ...
Milk jugs are repurposed as mini greenhouses for winter seed sowing in Westchester County, New York. (AP/Julia Rubin) ...
Winter sowing is an easy, low-maintenance technique ... Plastic milk and water jugs are popular choices, as are takeout containers and clamshell salad packages. If using plastic jugs, poke holes ...
Winter sowing is an easy, low-maintenance technique ... Plastic milk and water jugs are popular choices, as are takeout containers and clamshell salad packages. If using plastic jugs, poke holes ...
Milk jugs are repurposed as mini greenhouses for winter seed sowing in Westchester County, New York. (AP/Julia Rubin) It’s either time -- or nearly time -- to start seeds indoors for the upcoming ...