Spassky was nearly as brilliant. His was a household name among those who who grew up playing chess. It was a game that ...
Now, the magic of 3D printing has allowed [Works By Design] to change the game by making pawns that can automatically transform themselves into queens. Inspired by a CGI transforming chess piece ...
This collection, consisting of 35 cardboard squares with hand-drawn figures of rooks, pawns, bishops ... that already includes items like wooden miniature chess pieces and bread-made figures.
Narrator: With every shaving and small incision, master artisans turn these trunks of wood into 32 hand-carved chess pieces. You can pick up a plastic set for $20, but a wooden set certified for ...
and Uttar Pradesh sculpt chess pieces by hand. First, the wood is chopped into circular logs on a sawmill, which are then further sliced into small cubes. These cubes are shaped into pawns ...