因为它已经不再强制要求在阵列里面添加硬盘,也就是说你现在可以只使用ZFS存储池即可启动阵列!UNraid已经不再是单纯的“UNraid”了。 UNraid 7.0 ...
Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of ZF Group, has signed an agreement with the Shanghai Anting Economic Development Center for the ...
我用威联通的NAS也用了三四年,目前还坚持用它的核心理由之一就是威联通新的QuTS hero h5.2系统采用了ZFS文件系统,把曾经商用级别的文件系统下放 ...
Nexenta's new NexentaStor 3.0 is the first commercial storage appliance software to incorporate in-line data dedupe with open-source ZFS, said Evan Powell, CEO of the Portland, Ore.-based storage ...
The Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Zeder Financial Services Limited (‘ZFS’), holds 87.1% of the issued shares of Zeder Pome Investments Proprietary Limited (‘Pome Investments’), which in ...