In this edition, we hear how the EU is trying to go green but stay competitive and tell you who the most corrupt countries in ...
The European Union has declared coffee "harmful to humans" in a new regulation that bans the use of caffeine as a pesticide.
BRUSSELS — A rule forcing companies to measure and report the environmental damage they cause is at risk in the European ...
There have been several shootings in Brussels since the beginning of February, in which two people have been killed and at ...
2025年比利时世界客车博览会BusWorld Brussels 2025将于2025年10月04-09日在比利时布鲁塞尔盛大举行。这一展会是全球客车、公共交通和绿色出行行业的顶级盛会,吸引了来自世界各地的客车制造商、交通运营商、技术提供商以及相关政府机构参与。作为每两年一届的展会,BusWorld Brussels一直以来都是展示最新技术、创新解决方案以及行业发展趋势的首选平台,尤其在电动客车、 ...
The timing could hardly have been more provocative. Earlier this week, Germany’s statistical office announced that the ...
In this edition, we take a look at the mood in Germany ahead of crucial federal elections and hear how the EU does not want ...
The EU watchdog responsible for investigating maladministration is probing the European Commission's approval of Nicholas ...
A 19-year-old man was shot dead in Brussels on Saturday night, the local prosecutor's office said, as drug gang violence in the Belgian capital shows no signs of abating.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission will propose exempting defence from EU limits on government spending, the head ...
在全球翻译与口译领域日新月异的背景下,科大讯飞于2025年2月6日至7日受邀亮相由欧洲委员会口译总司(SCIC)主办的年度盛会SCIC Brussels 2025。这次大会汇聚了来自世界各地的翻译与口译专家,大家共同探讨了人工智能、大语言模型等领域的最新发展以及多语种翻译技术的前景,彰显了科技与翻译行业深度结合的重要性。