By the L' Ouvrier Communiste, this text presents their views on the development of class consciousness among the proletariat ...
with growing class consciousness driving dissatisfaction with established parties. Karl Marx’s most profound insight was recognizing how commodity fetishism — the fixation on simple ...
In recent years, everything and everyone seems increasingly radicalized, pushing us to our own sectors or pulling us closer together — all conjoined in feelings of disillusionment ...
And in his social media, there’s an emergent class consciousness that suggests that he understands that the people who participate in his videos, and presumably the people at home watching them ...
Reihan Salam has written an interestingly revealing essay for Slate about how he came to be conscious of his class identity – and, implicitly, how that shaped his emerging political consciousness.
Marx's explanation of this transformation is, the article argues, of continuing importance for our understanding of working class consciousness—with its key elements carried forward by both Luxemburg ...