Or for that matter disinherit someone who you just don’t want to get your money when you pass. Whether you just don’t get along with a sibling, want to help out a family member who is a bit ...
2. Using a ‘no-contest’ clause the right way So, you have chosen to disinherit your family or leave them less than they would be entitled to if you had no will. If they decide to glumly accept ...
You can disinherit your spouse in California, or any family member, but it requires careful consideration of California’s community property laws which make it more complex to disinherit someone ...
If you’re widowed or divorced and have named your children as the beneficiaries of your company retirement plan, you could be putting them at risk of being disinherited if you remarry. Due to a ...
[iStockphoto] An attempt by a woman to disinherit a girl of property in Kenya and Britain valued at more than Sh500 million has failed. Court of Appeal judges Wanjiru Karanja, Asike Makhandia ...