为解决基于基因组学的精准医学局限性问题,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的研究人员开展中枢神经系统肿瘤患者来源模型(PDMCTs)在功能精准医学(FPM)应用的研究。结果表明不同模型各有优劣,该研究为 FPM 发展提供参考,值得科研人员一读。
Flight radar data captured during the final moments of the CRJ approach revealed an unusually high vertical speed.
英国伦敦上市的Ferrexpo Plc.(FXPO.LN)跌幅扩大至48%,至少创最近11个月最差盘中表现,在富时100指数的成分股中表现最差。 该公司称,旗下乌克兰业务部门Ferrexpo Poltava Mining(FPM)面临一宗民事诉讼,将庭审时(为自身利益而)辩护。根据掌握的信息,原告要求FPM和总经理联合履行1570亿乌克兰赫米夫(偿还债券)义务,这样的诉求将对乌克兰政府有利。FPM ...
The Ukrainian subsidiary Poltava Mining (FPM) of London-listed Ferrexpo said a civil claim for Hr 157 billion ($3.78 billion) was filed against it over illegal mining in Ukraine and the sale of waste ...
The Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader MP Gebran Bassil stated that despite past challenges, his political bloc had ...
Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam, who met with Bassil over the past two days, rejected the FPM chief’s request and did not deny that he intends to allocate it to the LF, al-Akhbar said.