韩国知名演员金赛纶被证实在家中离世,得年25岁。消息传出后,不仅前经纪公司Gold Medalist发声悼念,许多演艺圈同仁纷纷表达哀悼之意。 演员金玉彬得知噩耗后,于个人IG上传了一张菊花的照片,并写下:“谨向逝者致哀,愿她安息 ...
Chinese skaters qualified for the mixed 2,000m relay final with ease at the ninth Asian Winter Games held in Harbin on Friday, setting their sights on a gold medal to be decided on Saturday morning.
据韩媒17日报道,已故演员金赛纶生前有高达7亿韩元的欠款,而她本人无法偿还这些欠款,所以换上了严重的抑郁症,这也是她最终选择自杀的原因之一。        消息称,金赛纶2022年的酒驾事故导致周边建筑物停电、租户受损,其经纪公司Gold ...
HARBIN, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) — Bayani Jialin pocketed the women's 5km free gold medal in cross-country skiing, leading China to a ...
Lin Xiaojun overtook the South Korean athlete from the outer lane and won the gold medal in the men's 500-meter short-track speed skating event at the Asian Winter Games! Congratulations!