IK Multimedia发布了 Grand Piano Y7 ,他们称这是一款独特的虚拟乐器,以80年代末在日本滨松雅马哈工厂精心制作的 Yamaha C7 为基础。
在音乐科技飞速发展的今天,IK Multimedia 再次走在了时代的前沿,最近发布了 Grand Piano Y7,为其 Pianoverse 虚拟乐器合集增添了全新的音色。这款虚拟钢琴不仅以 80 年代末在雅马哈工厂生产的经典 Yamaha C7 为基础,更是经过精心设计与录音,承诺为所有音乐创作带来前所未有的灵感与体验。今天,我们就一起深入了解这款钢琴的魅力所在。
Ralph Diekemper is one of the many musicians who has played the grand piano at SAM. Since 2017, he has performed for museum ...
A CONCERT grand piano in Haddington has been used at a concert for the first time in four years, after being in storage. The Bösendorfer concert grand piano underwent a complete overhaul by Norman ...