As mentioned in the patent: “Such a placement … saves display area, as otherwise the source would have to be placed in a ...
Apple is developing a new version of the iPhone SE, which is expected to feature some major changes. In addition to a new, larger size, Apple will also do away with Touch ID, and add support for ...
11月29日,随着苹果产品线的不断更新,沉寂多年的iPhone SE系列也迎来了复苏。据悉, 苹果计划在明年3月发布iPhone SE 4,在iPhone SE系列中首次引入全面屏,并大幅扩大尺寸至6.1英寸,机身尺寸与iPhone 16相近。
Touch ID is Apple's original attempt at biometric authentication still used today. It was first introduced in the iPhone 5S Home Button, then later implemented in iPads and the Mac Magic Keyboard.
随着苹果公司即将发布的新一代iPhone SE4,科技行业的热议和期待再度升温。这款新机型不仅在定价上引起了广泛关注,更在配置上做出了诸多令消费者心动的提升。根据知名博主刹那数码的爆料,iPhone ...
What you're really paying for with the iPhone X is the new form factor and Face ID. If you want the best of the best, yes … the iPhone X is worth every penny. It's something you're using all the ...
近期,有关iPhone SE4的消息引发了业界的广泛关注。这款备受期待的入门级智能手机,似乎在价格和性能上都将迎来重大的突破。根据业内人士透露,iPhone SE4的起售价预计将超过前代产品的3499元,这意味着苹果对于入门级市场的策略有了明显的变化 ...
The new iPhone X includes a Face ID to unlock the home screen. Apple says that it will still recognize your face even if you change your facial hair. We wanted to see if that was true, so Senior ...
据一位知名博主透露,即将发布的iPhone SE 4在定价上可能不会延续前代3499元的亲民路线,预示着其起售价将有所上调,苹果似乎并未打算推出一款价格更为低廉的入门级iPhone。此外,该博主还分享了关于iPhone SE ...
苹果公司的iPhone SE系列,这个一向以经济实惠、轻薄便携著称的产品线,近日迎来了令人振奋的更新消息。据可靠消息透露,苹果计划在2025年3月推出全新的iPhone SE 4,这款新机不仅在外观设计上实现了重大突破,更在硬件配置上进行了全面升级。 最引人注目的变化莫过于iPhone SE ...