很多人都在期待iPhone 13能够有指纹辨识Touch ID功能,取代因为戴口罩不方便使用的Face ID,那么到底iPhone 13 有没有机会让指纹辨识Touch ID ...
近日,业界传出重磅消息,苹果计划在2024年上半年推出其备受期待的iPhone SE 4。这款新机在摄像头配置上将迎来重大升级,其后置摄像头将配备4800万像素传感器,前置摄像头则达到1200万像素,而这两颗摄像头均由LG Innotek独家供应。
As mentioned in the patent: “Such a placement … saves display area, as otherwise the source would have to be placed in a ...
2024年3月,苹果即将推出全新的iPhone SE ...
11月29日,随着苹果产品线的不断更新,沉寂多年的iPhone SE系列也迎来了复苏。据悉,苹果计划在明年3月发布iPhone SE 4,在iPhone SE系列中首次引入全面屏,并大幅扩大尺寸至6.1英寸,机身尺寸与iPhone ...
Touch ID is Apple's original attempt at biometric authentication still used today. It was first introduced in the iPhone 5S Home Button, then later implemented in iPads and the Mac Magic Keyboard.
Given all the plant-care apps out there, don't you wish there was some kind of iPhone plant identifier that could nip this ...
iPhone SE 4将搭载一块6.1英寸OLED显示屏,并支持Face ID面容识别,抛弃了前置电容式指纹识别,同时也为用户提供了相比以往更加安全的解锁体验 。