拥有「台湾最强高中生」的Twitch网红Ray,因在日本一句「God did!」结识全球最红实况主Kai Cenat,开启疯狂的直播人生。近日,Ray不仅再度和Kai合体,还和NBA球星厄文(Kyrie Irving)一对一篮球教学,再次引爆话题 ...
日前做客美国网红主播Kai Cenat的节目《Mafiathon》时,独行侠球星凯利-欧文和对方开起了玩笑,并再次谈到了自己的外号“德鲁大叔”。当欧文加入节目时,Kai ...
直播吧12月1日讯 近日,欧文在Kai Cenat的感恩节直播中谈到了上赛季总决赛。 他说:“我们只差一点,我们对抗的是一支超级球队。” 上赛季总决赛,独行侠1-4不敌凯尔特人。
凯里欧文可以说是 NBA 的哲学导师,这些年来他发表了不少震惊众人的言论,他也做出了一些令人意想不到的事情。可是,他的言行,都经历住了时间的考验。在节目中,凯里欧文还分享了科比对于自己的教导和影响。
直播吧11月30日讯 近日,欧文在Kai Cenat的感恩节直播中谈到了科比。 欧文说:“他是一个真正的朋友,一个真正的大哥,失去这样一个人是最难应对和悲痛的事情之一。和世界上的其他人一样,因为他不仅对我有意义,对他的家人、对全世界的人都有意义。” ...
On November 29, after being directed to the theatre in his complex to meet a mystery guest, Cenat was taken aback when ...
After a recent livestream appearance with Kai Cenat, Lizzo found herself the target of online criticism from some of Cenat’s ...
Social media star Kai Cenat appeared to hang YouTube magician Max Major by the neck from a noose in shocking footage — but it ...
After a recent livestream appearance with Kai Cenat, Lizzo found herself the target of online criticism from some of Cenat’s ...
Kyrie Irving pranked Kai Cenat during his Mafiathon subathon by pretending to have food poisoning after eating crickets.
Nicki Minaj similarly displeased by Keke Palmer’s impression of her during their Met Gala exchange. Following the Nope actress’ latest appearance on The Tonight Show, Minaj has seemingly made it known ...