Kai Cenat, a 22 year-old live streamer, completed a so-called subathon on Saturday, streaming 24 hours a day for the entire ...
Twitch streamer Kai Cenat's monthlong Mafiathon 2 stream shattered platform records, reaching more than 727,700 subscribers ...
Kai Cenat wasn’t just breaking Twitch records during his Mafiathon 2 subathon – he was also working out regularly with a ...
Kai Cenat’ s has ended his Mafiathon 2 stream, but not before the breaking a Twitch subscriber record in the process. Cenat ...
日前做客美国网红主播Kai Cenat的节目《Mafiathon》时,独行侠球星凯利-欧文和对方开起了玩笑,并再次谈到了自己的外号“德鲁大叔”。当欧文加入节目时,Kai ...
拥有「台湾最强高中生」的Twitch网红Ray,因在日本一句「God did!」结识全球最红实况主Kai Cenat,开启疯狂的直播人生。近日,Ray不仅再度和Kai合体,还和NBA球星厄文(Kyrie Irving)一对一篮球教学,再次引爆话题 ...
Social media star Kai Cenat appeared to hang YouTube magician Max Major by the neck from a noose in shocking footage — but it ...
Kai Cenat has reclaimed the record for attracting the most Twitch subscribers in a single stream. The 22-year-old American ...
Record-breaking streamer Kai Cenat might be taking his talents to one of comedy’s most iconic franchises, thanks to a ...
Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).
凯里欧文可以说是 NBA 的哲学导师,这些年来他发表了不少震惊众人的言论,他也做出了一些令人意想不到的事情。可是,他的言行,都经历住了时间的考验。在节目中,凯里欧文还分享了科比对于自己的教导和影响。