One of the most basic tools for tinkering with electronics is a multimeter. Today, even a cheap meter has capabilities that would have been either very expensive or unobtainable back in the 1970s.
A good multimeter (or a few of them) is an essential part of anyone’s electronics workbench. The only thing more useful than a multimeter is a logging multimeter that can take recordings over time.
To use a multimeter, you must first select the correct symbol on the dial and plug the leads into the correct ports. In 1920, ...
A technician going at an appliance with a multimeter can seem like techno-wizardry, even if they're doing something as boring ...
This after its first introduction became the primary test equipment for all Electrical and Radio engineers. It was by far the best instrument of its kind in the UK from 1923 to at least the 1960s ...
The Fnirsi DMC-100 is a competitively priced current clamp and multimeter with a modern design that features a beautiful ...