The artificial intelligence gold rush has caused blistering returns for many tech stocks, including Palantir Technologies.
Palantir Technologies is suffering a serious selloff. The shares recently traded at $81.60, down about 1.3% on the day, but ...
Palantir Technologies (PLTR), a leader in data analytics and AI had a standout year in 2024, defying all expectations. It ...
估值过高经常被指为一个问题,彭博追踪的分析师中超过一半对该股的评级相当于持有,其中六人建议买入,五人建议卖出。该股比 12 个月平均目标价高出约 8%,是科技公司中预期回报率最差的股票之一。
As mentioned, Palantir has declined 32% from its record high in the last seven trading days, but the statistics suggest the ...
While some compare Palantir to the tech industry's Goldman Sachs, others think Alex Karp's view of its importance on a résumé ...
Palantir(NASDAQ:PLTR)股价在过去两个交易日下跌 20%与基本面无关。Palantir是一只动量增长股。股价波动主要取决于叙事的强度。当这种叙事受到打击时,无论公司本身是否真的陷入困境,股价都会做出反应。
Palantir’s stock (PLTR) price has plummeted 32% since hitting a record high on February 18. This downturn has led to a ...
在该公司公布第四季度业绩的第二天,Palantir 股价上涨了 24%。在这样的背景下,加上目前的高估值,你可能会认为业绩是完美的。然而,事实并非如此。该公司有两个重要的弱点。首先,剩余履约义务 (RPO) 的同比增长大幅下降。
与此同时,据《华盛顿邮报》报道称,美国可能即将大幅削减国防开支,随后,该公司股价在当日尾盘进一步下跌。据报道,国防部长皮特·赫格塞斯 (Pete Hegseth)已指示五角大楼官员为未来五年每年可能高达8%的预算削减做好准备。
据SEC文件显示,Palantir Technologies Inc.(NYSE:PLTR)首席会计官Heather A.