Most top quarks are produced in top–antitop pairs by the strong force. The production rate for this process is substantial (it has a cross-section of about 7 picobarns) and the presence of two ...
Ever wondered about the nature of the universe and the role of quarks? Now, you can find out what links the word for the most elementary particle in the universe with the name of an ancient Slavic ...
At a talk held at CERN this week, the ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) reported observing top quarks in collisions between lead ions, marking the first observation of this ...
对于日常使用而言,其实我更喜欢有线耳机,特别是在单位摸鱼的时候,有线耳机更加方便实用。那之前也用过很多款产品 ...
Protons are far from simple particles — they are swirling cauldrons of quarks, gluons, and quantum entanglement. Scientists ...
In a major milestone for particle physics, scientists at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have successfully observed top ...
Researchers have been working for decades to understand the details of where the proton gets its intrinsic angular momentum, ...
The acceleration of change in the Arctic due to global warming is transforming the landscape on a year-to-year basis, often ...
Physicists know from previous experiments that what happens at the nuclear scale to protons and neutrons also affects their ...
CBC’s Quirks & Quarks is an award-winning radio science program. The program is heard by a national audience in Canada of nearly 800,000 people, and by thousands more around the world on our ...
‘Quarks, Elephants & Pierogi: Poland in 100 Words’ is now available from multiple online locations. A cascade of 'Quarks, Elephants & Pierogi: Poland in 100 Words' books, photo: The ...