Harbin Ice-Snow World, the world's largest ice-and-snow theme park, officially closed its 26th edition on Wednesday evening ...
雷诺汽车近期在电动赛车领域取得了显著进展,他们全新推出的Filante Record 2025概念电动单座赛车,旨在今年上半年冲击续航纪录。这一突破性消息最初由汽车媒体motorauthority在1月31日对外公布。 据悉,这款备受瞩目的Filante Record 2025赛车将于2月5日至9日在巴黎Rétromobile车展上首次公开展示。其设计灵感源自雷诺历史上几款著名的速度与耐力纪录保持 ...
El Mundo del Hielo y la Nieve de Harbin, el parque temático de nieve y hielo más grande del mundo, cerró oficialmente su 26ª ...
The total number of inter-regional passenger trips across China during the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush, also known as ...