The Rumination Cycle: Examples in Effect Rumination causes you to dwell on negative feelings or experiences. Oftentimes, this ...
Days later, you still can't shake off the whole encounter. This dwelling on the unpleasant remark, known as rumination, is not that uncommon. Psychologists who study this process have found that ...
Workplace bullying affects not only the employee's sleep but their partner's too, according to new research published today.
Scientists say being bullied at work affects not only the employee’s sleep but their partner’s too. The post Study finds ...
After researchers gave 126 undergrads surveys to measure both their intelligence and how much they stressed over events in ...
Asking yourself structured questions can help you see a problem differently and break free from worry. When we're ruminating or worrying, it's often because we have a complex problem to solve.
Co-rumination, characterized by excessively discussing problems and dwelling on negative affect within a dyadic friendship, has been associated with adolescents' symptoms of depression, anxiety and ...